Home > Instructions for use re audios, Bio-Energetic videos, Subtle Energy Mandalas &related...

Before using any of the Bio-Photonic Video's ,audio's etc, please read BOTH the "instructions for Bio-Photonic Video's &Audio's & also read the Q&A- because if you want to go from sad/depressed/angry/negative to happy in seconds or minutes" you need to follow instructions & know how to pic which one you need since each title has over a dozen backgrounds available &each background gives a different experience!ALL PRODUCTS WITH MORE THAN 1 VOCAL, OR MORE THAN JUST NATURE SOUNDS---REQUIRE STEREO HEADPHONES , OR BONE CONDUCTIVE SOUND EQUIPMENT, OR VIBRO-ACHOUSTIC PRODUCTS(furniture & other that has speakers that put sound into body)WE SUGGEST ALTERNATING WHICH IS LEFT EAR &WHICH IS RIGHT EAR FOR BEST RESULTS!

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Instructions for use re audios, Bio-Energetic videos, Subtle Energy Mandalas &related...

1) if you are used to doing multi-evocation-(multiple voices speaking at same time) then go straight to the audios with "full effects" or that are obvious multi-evocation(the 17 minute &longer ones)...if not....then start with the "acapella &work up to the multi-evocation as you feel comfortable. Stereo Headphones are required for any of our audios/videos except ones with pure nature sounds &no effects!

2) if doing the acapella or multi-evocation, do at least 2X daily for a few days to get brain used to them &most importantly getting body used to increased energy flow....(see Q&A)...you may do more often....THE EFFECTS ARE CUMULATIVE and after a few times they start sounding &feeling beautiful smooth & rejuvenating, and get you from sad to happy in minutes (multi-evocation ones are faster for this, and per Q&A, you may need to "work up to them"....

3) for fastest results, use eyes closed at least 50% or more of the time, as this opens wider the auditory channels......play Bio-Photonic videos full screen and when possible in a darkened room for best results....(you'll still feel &even see internally, even with eyes closed)

4) the acapella can be used for light trance, and you can still do activities i.e. emails etc, although setting aside the 10 minutes is best......

5) the audios and videos that are full multi-evocation(17 min &longer) have progressively stronger matrixes & and background effects that is what produces the magic that supplements projecting energy......start with the simple backgrounds & work your way up to the ones with more background features......we have more on this in the Q&A.....

6) even if you really love a given title, listen to it with as many background variances as possible, as each background gives a different experience they open different neuro synaptic circuits in the brain, re pattern amygdala, and appear to really help electrical flow both gross(nerves) and fine(meridians) while increasing energy field coherency & plugging photonic leaks....

7) given that doctors are now prescribing these for brain injuries, neck injuries, nerve injuries, PTSD,ADD &ADHD, depression &many other things.....we will add to the instructions shortly for these topics.

8)be aware of temporary side effects for first time users! these can include a)twitching/jerking of limbs first few times due to increased electrical flow(like an empty fire hose unfolded & having the first water flowing through it....b) can sound or feel unpleasant first couple times DUE TO THE PERSON MISSING THOSE FREQUENCIES IN THIER FIELD, OR BEING DEFICIENT IN THOSE FREQUENCIES.....and they start sounding beautiful &feeling smooth & pleasurable once the frequencies are in your field & also as your brain gets used to it....... c) for some people, the can get headaches first time if they are not breathing deeply (their belly going up &down with each breath)....this subsides after several uses...and in fact...often the folks that dislike them the most at first tend to get the biggest benefits due to the increase in both frequencies in their field, increased electrical flow in meridians that may have blocks or reductions, and also the increase in brain neurosynaps connections and multi-hemisphere crosstalk....finally d) you may at times hear or feel a strong "pop" sound in your head, followed by bliss/ super happy feelings. The popping sensation tends to be due to a brand new connection being formed in the brain, especially when parts of your brain not normally integrated with the other parts are involved......the pleasurable sensation afterwards is due to a number of factors that happen right after the new connections!

9) the power & special abilities from using the audio's &videos is cumulative and logarithmic.......although most get benefits from the very first time......to "go from sad/depressed to happy in seconds or minutes" tends to be super common and normal once the user has used for several weeks on a regular basis.....the benefits after 60 days are for most people, a factor greater than 10, compared to only 30 days, due to the cumulative effects

10)see also "Questions & Answers regarding audio's,videos &Subtle Energy Mandalas!The Subtle Energy Mandalas have instructions at the end of the Mandalas....scroll past the last one and you'll see OVER 50 EXCERSISES FOR DEVELOPING CLAIRVOYANCE ,INTUITION &SPECIAL ABILITIES USING THE MANDALAS!!! (Put link to mandalas)